Friday, February 27, 2009

My list of 20 poetry books that made me first fall in love with poetry

In one of Ron Silliman's recent links updates there was a posting for the above. Since looking at that I have found myself mentally compiling a list. Here it is (in no order, although the order tends to be fairly close to the order in which I read them, the first one I was 16 or 17):

-Dante "Inferno"
-Jim Carroll "Fear of Dreaming"
-Allen Ginsberg "Howl"
-Allen Ginsberg "Kaddish"
-Lawrence Ferlinghetti "A Coney Island of the Mind"
-Lawrence Ferlinghetti "A Far Rockaway of the Heart"
-Arthur Rimbaud "Illuminations"
-Arthur Rimbaud "A Season in Hell and The Drunken Boat"
-Mina Loy "The Lost Lunar Baedeker"
-"Complete Poems of Hart Crane"
-Bob Kaufman "Solitudes Crowded with Loneliness"
-Gregory Corso "Long Live Man"
-"Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas"
-Federico Garcia Lorca "Poet in New York"
-Guillaume Apollinaire "Alcools"
-Andre Breton "Earthlight"
-"Selected Poems of Rene Char"
-"Selected Poems of Pierre Reverdy"
-"Collected Poems of Stephane Mallarme"
- Octavio Paz "Draft of Shadows"

I feel cheated. There are at least ten more books I can think of right off the top of my head that should be on here. The fact is that whenever I read a "miracle in words" I fall in love with poetry again.

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