Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Turkish coffee

"Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love." - Turkish Proverb

Just made my first ibrik in several months now. I seem to be rusty, I even had to look up instructions again. There are so many subtleties to preparing Turkish coffee, the closest to alchemy of the bean I know of. The first pot didn't have enough coffee in it, so I started over. The second one had too much and I had the heat on too low. Nevertheless I finished it and am now sipping it. I plan on preparing a pot daily for a few weeks, I will probable have it perfected once more in three or four days. I also haven't made Vietnamese coffee in awhile, another distinct coffee experience.

1 comment:

cbros said...

Actually, making Turkish coffee is not so hard. You should pay attention during the boiling process, which is the critical part. And, maybe more important, you should find the right amount of coffee and sugar for your own taste :)

I'm writing a blog about Tukish coffee. You can check it for recipes.
