Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"New Year"
Hey, New Year,
how can you be so new?
You can't just pretend to be new by cheering and lecturing,
and don't be new carelessly,
new on some days
then returning to what you are---old,
old and wrinkled,
as you've always been.
You're paler than the useless things
that cats bring back,
that dogs bring forth.
Come on, New Year!
Let's be new honestly, as before.- Tran Dan
Jacques Maritian's negative theology
The Situation of Poetry-Jacques and Raissa Maritain
Saturday, December 27, 2008
X-mas loot
-Two bags of coffee
-Argyle pattern scarf
-Blue pajama pants
-Three shirts from zazzle featuring pictures of Gu Cheng, Cesar Vallejo & Vasko Popa
-Eugene Ostashevsky "Life and Opinions of DJ Spinoza"
-Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki "Peregrinary"
-"Lightning from the Depths: An Anthology of Albanian Poetry"
- "Poets on the Edge: An Anthology of Contemporary Hebrew Poetry"
-Srecko Kosovel "The Golden Boat"
-Maya Bejerano "The Hymns of Job and Other Poems"
-David Hinton's anthology "Classical Chinese Poetry"
-Assorted chocolates and delicious cookies
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Two quotes by Rosmarie Waldrop
Maybe the power of the leap is simply that it cuts out explanation, an essential act of poetry…
Impossible topography of writing. The infinite is both the center we try to encircle with a multitude of words, things, experiences, and is also outside, surrounding us. It is both condition and aim. But where is the infinite unless in our consciousness of possibility?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Turkish coffee
Just made my first ibrik in several months now. I seem to be rusty, I even had to look up instructions again. There are so many subtleties to preparing Turkish coffee, the closest to alchemy of the bean I know of. The first pot didn't have enough coffee in it, so I started over. The second one had too much and I had the heat on too low. Nevertheless I finished it and am now sipping it. I plan on preparing a pot daily for a few weeks, I will probable have it perfected once more in three or four days. I also haven't made Vietnamese coffee in awhile, another distinct coffee experience.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Two new links
2) Ravi Kopra's blog if Indian poetry in translation.
Propsero's Books
Speaking of Rain Taxi, they are holding their annual auction on ebay this Sunday. I hope they post what they are putting up for sale soon on their site, esp. since I will be at work and will have to let my wife bid for me.
Turkish cinema

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Fulcrum, Adonis
...I'll die like a daisy plucked
A little a lot passionately madly
Not at all without enthusiasm...
& ten poems by Quevedo, one of which "Love Constant Beyond Death" is easily one of the greatest love poems ever written in any language.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Two new links
First, Scantily Clad Press ebooks page, featuring a Salamun book among others:
& "Original Ideas in Magic" by Tim Davis:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Francisco Aragon
Sunday, November 30, 2008
St. Louis Borders
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Two new links
I do this I do that
- Wake up at 2 in the afternoon.
-Drink coffee
- Watch a David Shapiro reading (thank you U of Chicago Poem Present)
- Eat spaghetti for late lunch/early dinner
- Watch a lecture by Robert Kehew on his anthology of Troubador poetry "Lark in the Morning" (thank you Library of Congress)
- Drink coffee
-Read more of the anthology "Iraqi Poetry Today"
- Stop to rent "Batman Begins" & "Transsiberian" on the way to my awake overnight shift
-Watch "Batman Begins"
-Drink coffee
Midnight/ Today:
- Eat "dinner" about 1 a.m.
- Watch "Transsiberian" (fantastic)
- Read more of "Iraqi Poetry Today"
- Smoke
-Once my shift is over I consider staying up until I finish the anthology
-Fall asleep around 7:30
- Wake up at 3:30 this afternoon
- Make a list of things that need to be returned to the library
- Get an iced mocha (english toffee)
- Check out quite a few things at the library...Yau's "Borrowed Love Poems" (thank you ILL), the Jodorowsky dvd set, season 1 of Henry Rollins talk show (highlights will be interviews with Werner Herzog, Eddie Izzard...performance highlights will be Thom Yorke, Sleater-Kinney, Daniel Johnston), the 2 disc special edition of Joy Division's "Closer" (second disc is a live performance), "Epic of Gilgamesh", critical study on Jarry, Sam Truitt's "Vertical Elegies" (Ugly Duckling) & more
- Now I am going to watch an eighty minute reading of Linh Dinh! (thank you Holloway Series)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
SFSU Poetry Center
Poetry t-shirts
I am beginning to compile a gift list for X-mas, consisting mostly of books, (who dares claim I don't know the true meaning of the holidays?) as well as a new poetry t-shirt. The last one I bought was the Farrokhzad & that was around seven or eight months ago. It will be a really difficult decision. I currently have eight t-shirts saved on zazzle as in progress designs. After thinking about it I have narrowed it down to the following four choices: Henri Michaux, Cesar Vallejo, Jaime Saenz & Vasko Popa. It will probably be at least another week before I make my final decision (I am currently leaning most towards a Vallejo shirt).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
PoetryPolitic favorites
Here are just a few of the highlights for me of the site:
-Valzhyna Mort (Day 50)
-Elizabeth Willis (Day 46)
- Chen Li (Day 44)
- Imagining Language supplement from Fascicle. I was already acquainted with not only Fascicle, but also said supplement. It was striking to see it in this context though. (Day 40)
- Kim Hyesoon (Day 35)
- Mariana Marin (Day 30)
- Eugen Jebeleanu (Day 29)
- Garrett Caples (Day 23)
- Lara Glenum (Day 13)
- Andrew Joron's "Emergency of Poetry" essay available as downloadable PDF file. I have the book the piece is taken from but it is fantastic to see this important essay available (Day 4)
I noticed PennSound has removed the link for PoetryPolitic. Here is the link:
I have also added a link to my Links List.
Thank you Wave Books for the outstanding job with PoetryPolitic:
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tomaz Salamun, Berkeley, San Francisco

See you in February Tomaz!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Mario Azzopardi, Maltese Poetry and a Few Notes on Albanian Poetry

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Three documentaries
First- "Ahmad Shamlou: Master Poet of Liberty"
About a year ago, after watching the documentary on Forrugh Farrokhzad "The Mirror of the Soul" (by far one of the greatest documentaries on a poet I've ever seen), and searching sites relating to Iranian poetry I came across some info. on the Shamlou documentary. At that time it had yet to be released with subtitles and the necessary regional code. This is quite major.
Second- "Juan, I Forgot I Don't Remember"
Mexican director Juan Carlos Rulfo's documentary on his father Juan Rulfo, poet & novelist. Juan Jose Arreola and Jaime Sabines are listed as among those interviewed.
Third- "Grandes Pensadores"
Netflix description:
"Originally broadcast on Mexican television, these absorbing profiles explore the lives and work of two celebrated writers -- author, journalist and activist Carlos Monsiváis Aceves and poet Jaime Sabines Gutierrez. Involved in the quest for Puerto Rican independence, Aceves influenced the progressive movement in his homeland. Gutierrez earned the moniker "The Sniper of Literature" with his dynamic writings exploring the landscapes of Spain."
I am currently registered for the three-at-a-time plan. One of the films I have at home I watched yesterday, the other two (actually two parts of one film) Hans Jurgen-Syberberg's "Our Hitler: A Film from Germany" (one of Susan Sontag's favorite films) I have yet to watch. I'm going to return them today though as I am dying to see the above three films.
Sources for Flarf
-Puppetmaster vs. Demonic Toys.
-Brain of Blood.
-Blood Gnome.
-Rabid Grannies.
-Satanic Yuppies.
-Microwave Massacre.
-The Feral Man.
-Mulva: Zombie Ass Kicker! & Filthy McNasty.
-Old Hag.
-Bloodsucking Redneck Vampires.
-The Kung Fu Mummy.
-Dumpster Baby.
-The Incredible Melting Man.
-Invisible Bikini.
-Wiseguys Vs. Zombies.
I do this I do that
-Wake up around 2:30 in the afternoon.
-Fix a pot of coffee.
-Smoke more.
-Consider quitting smoking.
-Watch "Roe's Room" By Lech Malchjewski.
-Start reading Keats "Endymion"
-Order a pizza.
-Eat pizza.
-Read more of "Endymion".
-Wash dishes.
-Drink an iced mocha.
-Wash more dishes.
-Watch a video of Clayton Eshleman reading Cesar Vallejo.
-Do more dishes.
-Fix another pot of coffee.
-Need a cigarette with coffee.
-Watch a video of Pierre Joris reading.
-Browse netflix.
-Read more of "Endymion".
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
15 I learned from the mice how to get along: no rent, no taxes, no grocery bill.
18 When I die, throw me to the wolves. I'm used to it.
24 Before begging it is useful to practice on statues.
54 Bury me prone: I have always faced the other way.
73 I pissed on the man who called me a dog. Why was he so surprised?
101 It is a convenience not to fear the dark.
118 The only real commonwealth is the whole world.
Source "7 Greeks" translated and edited by Guy Davenport
44 The psyche rises as a mist from things that are wet.
58 If everything were smoke, all perception would be by smell.
59 In Hades psyches perceive each other by smell alone.
62 The mind of man exists in a logical universe but is not itself logical.
65 At night we extinguish the lamp and go to sleep; at death our lamp is extinguished and we go to sleep.
source "7 Greeks" translated by Guy Davenport
The shoddy treatment of Frank Stanford by The Alsop Review
Anyone who may have picked up the latest issue of Rain Taxi may have experienced shivers of excitement upon reading "...Crib Death, as well as the five chapbooks published by Irv Broughton's Mill Mountain Press between 1974 and 1976, are available online at The Alsop Review..." When the reader goes to Alsop Review's site : http://www.journal.alsopreview.com/ one will more than likely be confused and will grab the Rain Taxi issue checking they typed the correct name into their search engine. Are you certain it's Alsop and not Aesop? Can one expect to find a link to the current issue of Rain Taxi? No. Even a note, even a single line mentioning the honor given to them? Negative. What about any information on the Frank Stanford festival last month in Fayetteville? Don't count on it. By all accounts, anyone who might not know better The Alsop Review has nothing whatsoever to do with Frank Stanford. On the side of the page that says "Poets S-Z" one would check in vain for Stanford's name. You have to use the search button within the site to pull up the Frank Stanford page, which is: http://www.alsopreview.com/thecollections/stanford/stanford.html
This brings me to another indignation over The Alsop Review. After the picture of Stanford, a brief biographical description, one comes to the links. They read in order: Poetry, An Arkansas Album. Photographs by Ginny Stanford & Essays & Letters. When you have the honor of carring five chapbooks and a full volume (I counted 119 poems, taking into consideration the few redundancies between the chapbooks and Crib Death the number is around 115) by one of the most scandalously neglected American poets and the link simply states "poetry"...well that has to be one of the biggest understatements I have ever chanced upon in relation to poetry online. One must keep in mind the fact that there are currently only four Stanford books in print: "The Battlefield Where the Moon Says I Love You," "The Singing Knives," ""You" & "The Light the Dead See." The 1975 short film on Stanford It Wasn't a Dream: It Was a Flood has never been made available, why isn't this online? Obviously one waits and prays for it to eventually find its way onto DVD. Why not release it on DVD and sell it along with his books? There is now more interest gathering in Stanford's work that it could very well be sold as a stand alone product. One can also well imagine it on PENNSound, youtube, any number of places..
Here is a breakdown of what exactly Alsop's Stanford site contains:
1) As noted above there are five chapbooks and one posthumously published volume. Approximately 115 poems.
2) Ginny Stanford's wonderful photographs of her husband and their friends-33.
3) The Essays and Letters section: 29.
Why was The Alsop Review entrusted with these works? One cannot help but be pessimistic in the stability of a site that so poorly treats its treasures. I know that I won't be too surprised if when clicking the link in the future I come up with only an error message.
Here are a few more sites carrying Stanford materials:
1) Three articles from Rain Taxi 1998: http://www.raintaxi.com/online/1998fall/stanford.shtml
2) Profile of Lost Roads Press: http://www.raintaxi.com/online/1998fall/lostroads.shtml
3) Ben Ehrenreich's article: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/journal/feature.html?id=181083
4) Poetry Foundation (31 poems): http://www.poetryfoundation.org/archive/poet.html?id=98306
5) Lorenzo Thomas article: http://writing.upenn.edu/epc/authors/thomas/thomas_stanford.html
Monday, November 10, 2008
Eight poems, three recordings & one video by Abraham Smith
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Elizabeth Jennings & Pierre Joris
Some say they find it in the mind,
A reason why they should go on.
Others declare that they can find
The same in travel, art well done.
Still others seek in sex or love
A reciprocity, relief.
And few, far fewer daily, give
Themselves to God, a holy life.
But poetry must change and make
The world seem new in each design.
It asks much labour, much heartbreak,
Yet it can conquer in a line.-Elizabeth Jennings
excerpt from "Revving Charon's Outboard Engine"
...The change is upon us. Do not
resist. Insist. Ride the letters
into newer never and. Prepare
to land, touch ground.
No sponge can follow us here
with false equations from word to
thing. Walk, do not run,
the ninja metaphor is just another
hired killer, cold in winter
& hungry throughout the day...-Pierre Joris
Neo-Benshi event poster & three links on poets of the dark

The greatest articles avilable online about Neo-Benshi are by Linh Dinh:
I have been able to find only two sites featuring Neo-Benshi performances:
Da Benshi Code: http://benshi.org/ (Quite a number of performances)
Nada Gordon's "Uzumaki" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qcOVNOQ3Ag
The Twenty Named Days

Kazim Ali/Katy Lederer reading...book buying in Lawrence

A great reading tonight in Lawrence at the 6 Gallery (an art gallery). It was wonderful seeing Ali read. Before the reading I stopped by The Dusty Bookshelf, one of my favorite used bookstores. I walked away with copies of "POASIS: Selected Poems 1986-1999" by Pierre Joris, Elizabeth Jennings "Collected Poems", Michel Butor "Frontiers", Vicente Aleixandre "A Bird of Paper" & Nguyen Duy "Distant Road." Ate dinner at a decent italian restaurant that took over the superior Mass. Street Deli & then went to Borders (which apparently now closes at ten every single night, even on the weekend!) where I bought "Skid" by Dean Young. A fantastic night, it would be a perfect end to an already wonderful week, except tomorrow looks promising as well.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Cover of two books by Johanna Drucker
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Center for Studies in Oral Tradition site

Five reasons that the past six months have left me breathless in five separate posts (still tinkering with this...)